Brick House Here in 1862
Buildings Journalism No Longer There
Brick House Here in 1862

In a Philadelphia Inquirer article on 5/24/12 at B1, Daniel Rubin wrote about finding a copy of the Inquirer for May 23, 1862, which had an ad for this real estate, a three-story brick house for $4,000. Mr. Rubin wrote that the house is now a patch of green where the homeless dine each night, across from the Free Library.

Publication date Jun 24, 2018
Property ID: 361
Updated on: Sep 01, 2019

In a Philadelphia Inquirer article on 5/24/12 at B1, Daniel Rubin wrote about finding a copy of the Inquirer for May 23, 1862, which had an ad for this real estate, a three-story brick house for $4,000. Mr. Rubin wrote that the house is now a patch of green where the homeless dine each night, across from the Free Library.


2006 Vine Street , 2006 Vine Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19103, United States
, .
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