Never-used subway station below this intersection?
Intersections, Corners Legends (unverifiable popular stories), Folk Tales No Longer There Oddities Railroads, Trains, Subways, Stations Transportation Underground, Subterranean, Tunnels
Never-used subway station below this intersection?

Is there still a subway station below this intersection from a subway that was planned but never built? There is a lot about it on the Web, including at the Web sites listed below. Some say the cavern for it was below a demolished Sears parking lot, but the walkway to the middle of the intersection may still exist. I remember talk of an elevated line being planned for the median strip of the Roosevelt Boulevard, and the station here was to allow commuters to safely walk under the Boulevard to get to the Sears area. I don’t see that mentioned anywhere, except that a comment to the Youtube page cited below mentions talk of a monorail. ; ; ; ; .

Publication date Jun 24, 2018
Property ID: 11146
Updated on: Jun 02, 2019

Is there still a subway station below this intersection from a subway that was planned but never built? There is a lot about it on the Web, including at the Web sites listed below. Some say the cavern for it was below a demolished Sears parking lot, but the walkway to the middle of the intersection may still exist. I remember talk of an elevated line being planned for the median strip of the Roosevelt Boulevard, and the station here was to allow commuters to safely walk under the Boulevard to get to the Sears area. I don’t see that mentioned anywhere, except that a comment to the Youtube page cited below mentions talk of a monorail. ; ; ; ; .


Roosevelt Boulevard & Adams Avenue , Roosevelt Boulevard and Adams Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19124, United States
, .
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Intersections, Corners Legends (unverifiable popular stories), Folk Tales No Longer There Oddities Railroads, Trains, Subways, Stations Transportation Underground, Subterranean, Tunnels
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