1801 Walnut St. Mansion, Philadelphia
Architecture Buildings Castles, Mansions, Plantations Repurposed Properties Retail Stores, Malls
1801 Walnut St. Mansion, Philadelphia

This Urban Outfitters, now Anthropolgie, store is on the market for $35 million. Today's Philadelphia Inquirer outlines its interesting history: The Fell-Van Renssalaer House was commissioned to be built in 1897 by Sarah Drexel Fell, widow of a Philadelphia coal magnate. ... Drexel Fell moved in in 1898 with her new husband, Alexander Van Rensselaer. ... Peabody & Stearns, of Boston, designed the Beaux Arts-style house. ... It has an original Tiffany & Co. stained glass dome and a ceiling with a cluster of portraits of Italian princes encircled in gold frames - both among the notable elements that have outlived several ownership changes. Phila. Inquirer, 1/7/14, at 10, 12.

Publication date Jun 24, 2018
Property ID: 1224
Updated on: Aug 31, 2019

This Urban Outfitters, now Anthropolgie, store is on the market for $35 million. Today's Philadelphia Inquirer outlines its interesting history: The Fell-Van Renssalaer House was commissioned to be built in 1897 by Sarah Drexel Fell, widow of a Philadelphia coal magnate. ... Drexel Fell moved in in 1898 with her new husband, Alexander Van Rensselaer. ... Peabody & Stearns, of Boston, designed the Beaux Arts-style house. ... It has an original Tiffany & Co. stained glass dome and a ceiling with a cluster of portraits of Italian princes encircled in gold frames - both among the notable elements that have outlived several ownership changes. Phila. Inquirer, 1/7/14, at 10, 12.


Anthropologie (Fell-Van Rensselaer House) , 1801 Walnut St. , NW Corner 18th & Walnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19103, United States
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Architecture Buildings Castles, Mansions, Plantations Repurposed Properties Retail Stores, Malls
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