Train Station Resembles a Train Engine
Architecture Buildings Railroads, Trains, Subways, Stations Repurposed Properties
Train Station Resembles a Train Engine

This train station was built in 1875. It is one of two surviving stations by famed architect Frank Furness. I've heard that it was designed to look like a steam engine, which it does. A similar station is the Gravers Lane Station.

Publication date Jun 24, 2018
Property ID: 319
Updated on: Aug 31, 2019

This train station was built in 1875. It is one of two surviving stations by famed architect Frank Furness. I've heard that it was designed to look like a steam engine, which it does. A similar station is the Gravers Lane Station.


Mount Airy Station , 7423 Devon St. , - Home of Walk A Crooked Mile Books, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19119, United States
, .
Listing Category:
Architecture Buildings Railroads, Trains, Subways, Stations Repurposed Properties
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