Terry Gross (NPR) was fired as high school teacher here.
Human Interest Journalism Pop Culture Radio Schools, Universities Worked Here, Employment
Terry Gross (NPR) was fired as high school teacher here.

Legendary National Public Radio (NPR) interview show host Terry Gross was fired as a newly minted teacher from the Genesee Humboldt Junior High School that had been here. Internet searches show this would have been in the fall of 1973. She could not control the class. The bulk of this information is from the Philadelphia Inquirer, 1/21/20 at p. C2. It takes some digging to figure out that Genesee Humboldt, PS 91, was in this building. See, for ex., https://pbase.com/kjosker/once_upon_a_time&page=allhttps://books.google.com/books?id=BBQVAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA374&lpg=PA374&dq=%22genesee+humboldt%22+340&source=bl&ots=XhpJsB22ea&sig=ACfU3U13yraUHRIaDeY1Z-e1ms5joZRx4g&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiks83yxcznAhXvx1kKHTrdATMQ6AEwAHoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=%22genesee%20humboldt%22%20340&f=false, https://www.suny.edu/alumni/profiles/terry-gross/, and https://www.buffaloschools.org/PS92.

Publication date Feb 12, 2020
Property ID: 11326
Updated on: Feb 12, 2020

Legendary National Public Radio (NPR) interview show host Terry Gross was fired as a newly minted teacher from the Genesee Humboldt Junior High School that had been here. Internet searches show this would have been in the fall of 1973. She could not control the class. The bulk of this information is from the Philadelphia Inquirer, 1/21/20 at p. C2. It takes some digging to figure out that Genesee Humboldt, PS 91, was in this building. See, for ex., https://pbase.com/kjosker/once_upon_a_time&page=allhttps://books.google.com/books?id=BBQVAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA374&lpg=PA374&dq=%22genesee+humboldt%22+340&source=bl&ots=XhpJsB22ea&sig=ACfU3U13yraUHRIaDeY1Z-e1ms5joZRx4g&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiks83yxcznAhXvx1kKHTrdATMQ6AEwAHoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=%22genesee%20humboldt%22%20340&f=false, https://www.suny.edu/alumni/profiles/terry-gross/, and https://www.buffaloschools.org/PS92.


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