Lucy is one of the oldest surviving examples of zoomorphic architecture (buildings in the shape of animals), a male elephant (tusks) who identifies as female. The quote is from the Philadelphia Inquirer, 5/24/14, at p. D2. There has been much written about Lucy over the years, and the story of her preservation. Here is something new to me: according to the article, Lucy's eyes light up blue at night. Rich Helfant, the CEO of the organization that cares for Lucy, used to work with Frank Sinatra when he played in Atlantic City, and the eyes lighting up in blue is Mr. Helfant's tribute to Old Blue Eyes.
Publication date | Jun 24, 2018 |
Neighborhood |
Lucy is one of the oldest surviving examples of zoomorphic architecture (buildings in the shape of animals), a male elephant (tusks) who identifies as female. The quote is from the Philadelphia Inquirer, 5/24/14, at p. D2. There has been much written about Lucy over the years, and the story of her preservation. Here is something new to me: according to the article, Lucy's eyes light up blue at night. Rich Helfant, the CEO of the organization that cares for Lucy, used to work with Frank Sinatra when he played in Atlantic City, and the eyes lighting up in blue is Mr. Helfant's tribute to Old Blue Eyes.